Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting Techy with it

Welcome to the inaugural entry of the Medfield Technology Blog.  I am hoping that this will be a valuable resource to keep you updated on what is going on with all things technology related at Blake and at the High School.  Without further ado ..

Medfield Specific News

Voicethread and Glogster

Many of you have expressed interest in using these products this year.  We are in the process of getting school licenses for these products and I hope to have them up and running by next week.  Look for an update in next week's blog or via email.  If you have not done so already, please fill out this short web tools survey and earn a chance at winning an Amazon Gift Certificate.

Web 2.0 Tool of the Week

Each week I will share with you a Web 2.0 tool that is free, easy to learn and can easily be adapted into your classroom.  This week we will look at a newspaper clipping generator.  All you need to do is enter text and click on 'generate' to create your clipping.  Here is an example of what it looks like:

How can you use this in the classroom?
  • You can create a newspaper clipping identifying students who did a great job on a quiz, or the class as a whole that did well.  Simply post it on your Epson when they come to class.
  • Have students write a newspaper article based on historical events and then send them to this site to publish 

General Technology News

  • Did you ever want to be an expert on Google search?  Or at least improve your search skills?  Well you are in luck.  Google is offering a free online class in 'Powersearching'.  Here is the 411 from the Google Site

  I have already registered.  Who's with me?  You must register by September 24th.
  • Are you a YouTube Guru?  Do you create awesome YouTube videos for your class?  If so, YouTube has launched a 'Star Search' for teachers with expertise in this area.  Find out more information by reading this blog post

How do you like the new blog?  What else do you want to see here?  This is a work in progress so all suggestions would be appreciated.  Simply add them in the comments section or email me.


  1. Hey Neal- this is terrific, concise info. My one practical question-- is there a way to make the link words visible, without having to find them?
    Thanks! Ksenija

    1. Hi Ksenija - I couldn't agree with you more. I finally got the colors the way I wanted but then the hyperlinks get lost with the other text. I'll mess around with the colors again tomorrow and see if I can make thy hyperlinks stand out more. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Hi Neal, Thanks for sharing this. I will be linking my next entry back to this one as it will focus on the demand to publish student work and/or place it in a public sphere.

    Hope you like Medfield. I did my student teaching there and worked for two years at Blake Middle.
